Grab Bag #34
I come to praise San Francisco, not bury it, plus news on old stuff getting older.

“San Francisco needs no eulogy. Wherever civilized man is wont to tread the earth the name of San Francisco is known… [S]he commands respect and attention for many things she has accomplished, and the world bows in acceptance to the great possibilities the ‘City of the Golden Gate’ will advance in the near future.”

The above quote is from an intro for an 1899 business-boosting directory of the city. Tired of having folks bash on San Francisco of late, I admit I am vulnerable to the back-patters of yesterday.

“San Francisco it must be remembered, did not spring into existence like some fair Arcadia, and there let its destiny rest with the fates. This city has had some besetting times, but she has never faltered one step in her march of progress, and has come radiantly from the flames of adversity, which in the years gone by threatened to retard all that had been accomplished.”
Amen, brother. Preach on. Oh, by the way, 1899 writer? Big earthquake and fire coming your way in seven years, so get ready for more flames of adversity…