Grab Bag #46
San Francisco history grab bag with kissing, blessings, dancing, and star-gazing.

I’m working on getting my recent Beertown talk online for you all to enjoy. Stay tuned. In the meantime, would you like to take a history walk of Ingleside Terraces with me on Sunday, February 23rd at 10:30 a.m.? Only 30 spots, so buy your ticket early. Sign up here!
Because of [gestures around at the world], I’m in the mood for a Grab Bag of good-feeling history stuff.
Can we have one week without landslides, fires, earthquakes, intolerance, or prejudice? Can we have people dancing in front of City Hall?

Sure, we can! Well, at least the Friends of Woody can. The rest of you have to make do with the dancing-folk photo and then wait until next week, when I might write about the great San Francisco frog-plague of 1908 or something else bad.
Or you can join the Friends and hop on the Dr. Woody Goodvibe bus to read this and every Grab Bag, all the time. Your choice. :)
OK, Friendsies, let us get started by heading back to 1888...