Torpedo Point

An explosive point of interest tucked under the eastern span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.

About the torpedo storehous eon Yerba Buena Island
An explosive point of interest tucked under the eastern span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.

Hey, San Franciscan. Did you know you can cross a bridge and still visit a San Francisco park?

park on Yerba Buena Island
Looking back at the Bay Bridge and downtown from Panorama Park on the heights of Yerba Buena Island.

Panorama Park at the peak of Yerba Buena Island was officially dedicated on May 11, 2024. You should check it out sometime when the traffic is sluggish on the Bay Bridge. The views are great and the big art installation, Point of Infinity, by Hiroshi Sugimoto, is… very pointy. 

artwork on Yerba Buena Island
Point of Infinity, by Hiroshi Sugimoto, at left in Panorama Park on Yerba Buena Island.

But you and I are here for the secret history stuff, right? So, let’s meander down the “back side” of the island, past the Coast Guard Station, to visit the more hidden park—technically public shore—that I like better.

bay bridge eastern span
We're headed down there under the eastern span of the Bay Bridge...

Bimla Rhinehart Vista Point is at Pier E-2, which used to be a footer for the Bay Bridge’s old eastern section before construction of the new shiny white span.

The complex of pier, boardwalk, and seating areas was dedicated in 2019 in honor of a respected Caltrans commissioner who passed away in 2013. It also has great, if different, views:

Bay Bridge
Eastern span of the Bay Bridge on its way to Oakland viewed from Pier E-2.

The cool historical part is right next door on a spit beside the pier. While Golden Gate Bridge has Fort Point nestled under it, the east span of the Bay Bridge shelters its own historic military structure: Building 262, or more descriptively, the torpedo storehouse.

torpedo storehouse and bay bridge
The 1891 torpedo storehouse building under the eastern span of the Bay Bridge.

The explosive devices stored in the 1891 building weren’t technically torpedoes like the kind we imagine from submarine movies zipping through the seas to their targets. They were instead mines secured to the bay floor to float underwater. Friend and military historian, John Martini, has provided this helpful drawing:

underwater mine
A drawing from a 1920s Army manual showing a mine, its anchor, and electrical cable leading to big junction box. John added the fish.

John explains their use: “The theory was that an enemy fleet would encounter the mines after coming under fire from the big guns onshore, and be trapped between the overhead shelling and underwater explosives. In the earliest days, the minefields stretched between Black Point, Alcatraz, Angel Island, and Fort Baker.”

In the 1880s, the Army stored these mines in sheds on Alcatraz, but the devices quickly rusted in the unfinished wooden buildings. In 1889, the government allocated funds for a more weather-resistant storage building on Yerba Buena Island.

torpedo storehouse
Torpedo storehouse, pier, and cute little caretaker's cottage on the east point of Yerba Buena Island in the 1890s. (John Martini collection)

(That underwater mines rusted you would think should have been the bigger concern.)

To save money on bricks, engineer Ernest Leslie Ransome was called in to design one of the earliest reinforced concrete structures in the country. (Ransome was responsible for Golden Gate Park’s Alvord Lake bridge, the first concrete span of that kind in the country.)

The military liked their storehouses to look a little classy. The concrete was formed to imitate chunks of stone masonry and Ransome included some elegant fan windows on the ends.

torpedo storehouse
Torpedo storehouse on Yerba Buena Island, awaiting some fix-up.

The building is split into two rooms with railroad tracks in the floor to help load the mines in and out. There used to be a dock and a residence as part of the facility.

Yerba Buena Island
A 1920s aerial of Yerba Buena Island shows how the Torpedo storehouse was built on the very edge of the island... a good precaution in case it went boom.

Torpedoes were only stored on Yerba Buena for about a decade. In the early 20th century, a new depot and wharf at Fort Point took over the duty.

John Martini: “Later the minefields were moved outside the Golden Gate, the theory being ‘why wait until the enemy is inside the harbor to blow ‘em up.’ [...] The change from planting mines inside the harbor to outside the Gate was a major reason for relocating the mine storehouse from Yerba Buena Island to Fort Point.”

The Yerba Buena building ended up being used for other types of storage by the Army and then the Navy. The Bay Bridge was constructed in the 1930s almost right over the old building.

torpedo storehouse building and Bay Bridge
View southeast from the water at the torpedo storehouse building and old eastern span of the Bay Bridge, May 1998. (Frank Deras, Jr. photograph, Historic American Building Survey documentation, Library of Congress)

In 1995, the Treasure Island Development Authority took over ownership. The building was placed in the National Register of Historic Places in 2008.

Not counting far-flung properties—places like Camp Mather and the city’s Hetch Hetchy water system in the Sierra Nevada—the torpedo storehouse marks the eastern edge of San Francisco proper, maybe a smidgen east of Point Alvisadero in Hunters Point. That should count for something, right?

Whenever I drop by, the water is sparkling and the wind is mostly non-existent. There are rarely other visitors. Last week, a few guys were crabbing from the pier while a family clamored over the rip-rap shoreline around the torpedo building. 

Torpedo storehouse building
North side of torpedo storehouse building with kids and the Bay Bridge behind.

There’s a future for the old shed as new buildings and amenities rise on both Yerba Buena and Treasure Island. The San Francisco County Transportation Authority last October put out a request for bids to replace the roof, fix up the windows, and replace the old barn doors with aluminum storefront frames.

Could a unique café/restaurant be in the works? A waterfront eatery could be awesome. I vote for an indoor/outdoor event venue. With the traffic noise above, rap metal concerts could be a good choice.

torpedo storehouse building
Torpedo storehouse on Yerba Buena Island with Treasure Island behind and the Bay Bridge above. Wouldn't this be a cool restaurant or club? (I wonder if there's plumbing...)

Other improvements for Pier E-2 are being set in motion—landscaping, paved parking lot, a better restroom than the porta-potty there now—so you might want to visit the spit before it’s discovered by the masses.

While Bimla Rhinehart Vista Point and Pier E-2 are fine official names, don’t you think we can get “Torpedo Point” to catch on?

Woody Beer and Coffee Fund

woody and brandon
Brandon W. of Pasta Supply Company preferred the lighter beer.

It is the little things in life, am I right? Coffee, beer, chatting with another human being about coffee and beer... writing haiku with friends at Simple Pleasures early Friday mornings (a new nutty thing I am doing):

coughing barista—
the daily grind
is not for everyone

Chip in to the Woody-being-social fund—if you like.

Take advantage of the Woody-being-social-fund and let’s schedule a coffee or beer date together—if you like.

Either or both are optional. As is poetry.